Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A list

These are the things I'm going to do with my time. Some of them are overdue half-completed projects. Others are new things that I have all the resources for. I post this for myself and to keep me focused on how to stay driven. There's more to life.

-The long awaited meghan and phlip xmas presents. They're done, i think, i just need to mail them...
-my stick wall thing. This is hard to explain but when it's done, i'll post a picture. then you'll understand.
-clearing away all the junk in the studio/office place.
-altering clothes i have but don't wear into clothes I want to wear.
-some postcards and correspondences i need to mail.
-making more yogurt.
-baking my own crackers
-teaching myself to run( I was doing this for a while but I got busy with the show and was never able to stick to it 4 days a week. we're trying again)
-Paper crafts with contact paper.

Things to read:
Long Days Journey
lots of shakespeare
The brief wondrous life of oscar wao
all the pinter on the bookshelf
A long and fatal love chase
finish Pride and Predjudice

I don't expect this list to make a lot of sense. i get it. now just hold me to it.

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